Apostrophe Education Center

SAT Score Structure 2023

نتيجة السات

The SAT Suite of Assessments reports various sorts of scoring indicators in order to provide comprehensive information on student learning. Each assessment provides a total score as well as section, test, cross-test, and subscore results. These results provide a more detailed profile of the knowledge and abilities of the pupils. The SAT provides distinct results for the SAT Essay.

The optional SAT Essay and SAT Subject Tests were no longer offered after the June 2021 SAT administration, however instructors and students can still access results from earlier tests. Only states where it is mandated as part of SAT School Day administrations will have access to the SAT Essay.

Where to Get Scores and When
By logging into the K-12 score reporting portal, you can check results for the SAT, SAT Subject Tests, PSAT/NMSQT, PSAT 10, and PSAT 8/9. You can also discover access codes for students who require them. To see when student scores will be made available, view the score release schedule.

دورة السات
SAT Score Structure SAT Score Structure SAT Score Structure

Score Scale, Vertical
In order to assist instructors and students in tracking progress across grades and identifying areas that require improvement, the SAT Suite uses a uniform scoring scale that provides a consistent feedback throughout examinations. Strong classroom work and instruction are the best preparation for future exams, and this level of feedback can assist both educators and students in doing so.

These data can also be used to assess middle and high school curricula. Higher education institutions can use the new scores to gain a thorough understanding of student readiness.

Section and overall scores
Each test in the SAT Suite gives a total score that is the product of the results for the two sections: math and evidence-based reading and writing. The SAT Essay score is not included in a student’s overall SAT score and is published separately.

دورة sat
SAT Score Structure SAT Score Structure SAT Score Structure

Ranges for Total Scores

  • SAT: 400–1600
  • PSAT/NMSQT and PSAT 10: 320–1520
  • PSAT 8/9: 240–1440

Ranges for Section Scores (Evidence-Based Reading and Writing, Math)

  • SAT: 200–800
  • PSAT/NMSQT and PSAT 10: 160–760
  • PSAT 8/9: 120–720

Test Scores Each assessment provides three test scores: one for reading, one for writing and language, and one for math.

Ranges for Test Scores (Reading, Writing and Language, Math)

  • SAT: 10–40
  • PSAT/NMSQT and PSAT 10: 8–38
  • PSAT 8/9: 6–36
SAT score structure
SAT score structure SAT score structure

SAT Essay Scoring The three components of the SAT Essay are reading, analysis, and writing. Each component’s score is published separately. A scale of 2 to 8 points is used to grade each dimension.

Scores of Cross-Tests
Both the Analysis in History/Social Studies and Analysis in Science cross-test results are reported for each assessment. These results are based on responses to questions on the reading, writing, and language tests, as well as the math tests, which require students to analyze texts and problems in these subject areas.

Ranges for Cross-Test Scores (Analysis in History/Social Studies, Analysis in Science)

  • SAT: 10–40
  • PSAT/NMSQT and PSAT 10: 8–38
  • PSAT 8/9: 6–36

The tests provide several reading, writing, and language subscores as well as math subscores, all of which range from 1 to 15 points. Subscores offer more specific information regarding student performance.

Questions from both the Reading Test and the Writing and Language Test are used to calculate two subscores:

Words of Command in Context for Evidence

The Writing and Language Test also reports two additional subscores:

  1. Expression of Ideas
  2. Standard English Conventions

The Math Test reports three subscores:

  • Heart of Algebra
  • Problem Solving and Data Analysis
  • Passport to Advanced Math (SAT, PSAT/NMSQT, and PSAT 10 only)