Apostrophe Education Center

What to Bring on Digital SAT Test Day 2023

On test day, you only actually need to bring a small number of items, and you’re better off leaving the most of them at home. Ensure you have

  • Your testing device has been fully charged and has the BluebookTM application loaded (see detailed device requirements).
  • Face shielding (if required at your test center).
  • This is your current admissions ticket.
  • A valid photo ID.
  • Pens or pencils for writing on paper.
  • An appropriate calculator for the test’s Math portion (there will be an embedded calculator available to use within Bluebook).
  • EpiPens and other epinephrine auto-injectors are OK without any modifications. They must be put in a transparent bag and kept under the test-desk. taker’s Contact Services for Students with Disabilities to learn about the rules regarding additional drugs and medical equipment.
دورة sat
Bring on Digital SAT Test Day Bring on Digital SAT Test Day Bring on Digital SAT Test Day

Fine to have:

  • A watch without an audible alarm would be nice (The Bluebook application has a built-in timer that tells you exactly how much time you have left, but you might still want to time your break.)
  • If your testing gadget isn’t able to maintain a charge for three hours, a charging cord.
  • A purse or rucksack.
  • A beverage or food (for your break).

What Not to Bring

  • Smartphones, smartwatches, activity trackers, or other wearable technology (basic analog watches are permitted)
  • Tablets, computers, notebooks, Bluetooth devices (such as wireless earbuds/headphones),
  • Oother personal computing devices, audio players, or recordings
  • Different timers of any kind cameras,
  •  Other tools for taking pictures
  • Highlighters, colored pencils,
  • Mechanical pencils, and pens
  • Any books or sources of information
  • Rulers, protractors, rulers, or cutting tools
  • Any type of paper, even scratch paper
  • Earplugs Calculators with computer-style (QWERTY) keyboards,
  • Paper tape, or a power cord are unacceptable.
  • Guns and weapons
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Bring on Digital SAT Test Day Bring on Digital SAT Test Day Bring on Digital SAT Test Day Bring on Digital SAT Test Day

What to anticipate on exam day

Make sure you are familiar with these guidelines and rules before exam day.

See if any test centers are closing.
In order to ensure that your test center hasn’t altered or closed, keep an eye out for test center closings in the days preceding and on the day of your test.
On the morning of the test, we also advise you to check directly

At 7:45 a.m., doors open.
Be on time for the test. Check your admittance ticket to confirm your arrival time and the location of your testing facility. 7:45 a.m. is when test centers open. at which time the doors close. unless as specified on your entry ticket. Once testing has begun, admission is not permitted. You can reschedule if you arrive late or don’t show up for the test. Rescheduling is preferable to reregistering because it will be less expensive. Learn more about updating your registration details.

Ensure that you bring everything you’ll need.

Tests begin between 8:15 and 8:45 in the morning.

  • Check-in for your proctor will start now. You are not given a choice in where you sit. Delay taking a seat.
  • What will happen next is as follows:
    To follow instructions, you’ll log onto the center’s Wi-Fi and launch the BluebookTM application.
  • Only questions about procedure may be asked of the proctor; neither exam questions nor content may be discussed.
  • You will receive a start code from the proctor. Testing will commence once you enter the start code, and Bluebook will keep track of how much time is left in each test area.