Apostrophe Education Center

What is the SAT?

  • The SAT (Scholastic Aptitude/Assessment Test) is a standardized admissions test used in US Universities. However, it has since been increasingly accepted in higher education institutions worldwide, including several top universities in Europe, such as Bocconi.
  • The SAT measures students’ aptitudes – their ability to apply their reason and logic to real-life situations.
  • To maximize your score, it is essential to approach the different questions that may come up using your capacity to reason.

How is the SAT Structured?


  • Total: 400-1600
  • Evidence-Based Reading and Writing Section: 200–800
  • Math Section: 200–800

Structure & Duration

  • Total: 3 hours
  • Reading Test – 65 minutes, 52 questions
  • Writing and Language Test – 35 minutes, 44 questions
  • Math Test – two sections:
    • No calculator – 25 minutes, 20 questions
    • Calculator permitted – 55 minutes, 38 questions


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How is the SAT Structured?

SAT 1 -Reasoning Test

  • *It consists of 3 parts, Mathematics – Critical Reading – Writing.
  • *Reasoning Test part is a mandatory part.
  • * Exam duration 3 hours 45 minutes
  • *Multiple choice test
  • * It is an exam that measures the numerical and verbal ability of the student.
  • * The score of the Writing section is not taken into account.
  • *Your SAT 1 score plays an important role for departments such as Statistics, Mathematics, Architecture, Faculties of Medicine, Engineering and Business.

SAT 2 – Subject Test

  • * Exam duration 1 hour
  • * Subjects: English, History, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Latin, Japanese, Chinese
  • * If you want to study in the fields of Art History, Journalism, Radio, Cinema and Television, Advertising, History, Turkish Language and Literature, Communication, your SAT 2 score will play an important role.

 Grading: The highest SAT score is 1600 and the lowest is 1060. The total score you get from the exam is between 400 and 1600. Reading, writing and language sections are scored out of 800. The Mathematics section additionally adds up to a total of 800 points. In other words, you can get the lowest score of 1,060 on the average SAT exam and you can pass the exam with this score. You should aim for the highest score, and with a high SAT score you will have the chance to win a graduate scholarship from some universities.  

Exam Score System: The SAT exam is 1600 points in total. Each section is calculated out of 800 points and the lowest score is 400. The lowest score required by the schools is 1200. For a good university choice, you must get a score above 1200. The evidence-based reading and writing section is scored between 200 and 800. The mathematics section is scored in the range of 200 – 800. Optional composition is included as an elective in a separate section.

Important Notes: The SAT exam assesses candidates’ written, oral and mathematical skills. In the SAT test, each question consists of 4 options. The SAT exam is given 6-7 times a year, in October, November, December, March, May, June, and August each year. It’s an exam held on Saturdays. SAT exam results are announced within 2 weeks.

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Apostrophe's SAT Preparation Courses

This 160-hour intensive course will introduce all the possible types of questions you may face on the SAT and prepare you for the test day! 

First, the course entails a detailed introduction to the different sections of the SAT. Then, it explains how to tackle the different types of questions through practice questions guided by a top tutor.

The course is meant to be interactive, so each class will have a maximum of 10 students to facilitate communication and participation. Therefore, asking questions and interacting with your tutor and classmates is strongly encouraged.

Before the course, you will be asked to do a placement test to identify your strongest and weakest points and group you with others who performed similarly so that the tutor can tailor the course to your needs. Finally, you’ll do a final practice test after the course, and you’ll receive a report from us summarising your progress and our recommendations for exam technique and subject knowledge to help guide your further individual studying.

For more information click here