We’re very confident that you’ll progress with Apostrophe Educational Center. However, we’ll give you your money back if you don’t gain at least university entrance level points on your next SAT compared to your last SAT Score. This opportunity is a win-win design catered for you: either you get the SAT to score you wanted and planned for or a free SAT prep course.
While we extend this guarantee, we are confident you’ll get the score improvement.
You’ll improve your score every single day you use Apostrophe Educational Center. By test day, you’ll be hundreds of points up.
We suggest that students spend at least 160 hours studying for their test ensure SAT High Scores, but students who have spent only 80 hours with Apostrophe Educational center improved their score by an average of more than 400 points!
How do we do it? Apostrophe SAT course is efficiently designed to identify your weak points and drill down on them until you master them, using modern teaching materials.
To know more about our SAT courses Click here